Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Delightful Dancer

Dancer Michelle Silva adds color and dazzle to Ringling's spec and production numbers.
12/11/13  NOTE: The following few photos will be in memory of American circus personalities who I have had the honor to photograph and who have passed away over the last decade. They have all had illustrious careers and are greatly missed by their families, friends and fans.


  1. Don, I enjoy your series of people in all phases of our biz. and look forward each day on who is next. Thanks so much for this nteresting posting. John Herriott

  2. Hi John,
    Thanks for your positive comments. I consider it a great honor that you are checking out my web site.
    I try to do justice to all in the circus profession as I think they are all terrific folks.
    I hope that you, Mary Ruth and family have a wonderful Christmas season.
    My best,
    Don Curtis
